# Vuex

# 1. 数据持久化


利用 vuex-persistedstate 插件,将 vuex 的数据存储到浏览器中,刷新后重新拿出来导入 vuex 中

  • 安装
npm install vuex-persistedstate  --save
yarn add vuex-persistedstate
  • API
    • key<String>: The key to store the persisted state under. Defaults to vuex.(设置存储 key 值)
    • paths<Array>: An array of any paths to partially persist the state. If no paths are given, the complete state is persisted. If an empty array is given, no state is persisted. Paths must be specified using dot notation. If using modules, include the module name. eg: "auth.user" Defaults to undefined.
    • reducer<Function>: A function that will be called to reduce the state to persist based on the given paths. Defaults to include the values.(设置需求数据进行数据持久化)
    • subscriber<Function>: A function called to setup mutation subscription. Defaults to store => handler => store.subscribe(handler).
    • storage<Object>: Instead for (or in combination with) getState and setState. Defaults to localStorage.(设置存储位置)
    • getState<Function>: A function that will be called to rehydrate a previously persisted state. Defaults to using storage.
    • setState<Function>: A function that will be called to persist the given state. Defaults to using storage.
    • filter<Function>: A function that will be called to filter any mutations which will trigger setState on storage eventually. Defaults to () => true.
    • overwrite<Boolean>: When rehydrating, whether to overwrite the existing state with the output from getState directly, instead of merging the two objects with deepmerge. Defaults to false.
    • arrayMerger<Function>: A function for merging arrays when rehydrating state. Defaults to function (store, saved) { return saved } (saved state replaces supplied state).
    • rehydrated<Function>: A function that will be called when the rehydration is finished. Useful when you are using Nuxt.js, which the rehydration of the persisted state happens asynchronously. Defaults to store => {}
    • fetchBeforeUse<Boolean>: A boolean indicating if the state should be fetched from storage before the plugin is used. Defaults to false.
    • assertStorage<Function>: An overridable function to ensure storage is available, fired on plugins's initialization. Default one is performing a Write-Delete operation on the given Storage instance. Note, default behaviour could throw an error (like DOMException: QuotaExceededError).
import createPersistedState from "vuex-persistedstate";
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [createPersistedState()],

  plugins: [
      // 修改存储key值
      key: "module-vuex-key",
      // 修改存储位置
      storage: window.sessionStorage,
      // 设置需要的数据进行持久化
      reducer(val) {
        return {
          userInfo: val.userInfo,
  • vuex 引用多个插件的写法
export default new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [plugins1().plugins2()],

# Tips

  • vue3 vuex modules getters 写法: const isCanApply = computed(() => store.getters['addResumeInfo/isCanApply']);